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Millennials Love Sex, But Not Romance? Go Figure

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Millennials Love Sex, But Not Romance? Go Figure


So is it just that millennials love sex and aren’t into romance?  Studies show that millennials are getting more prenups (prenuptial agreements) than previous generations. We look into why.  I am not married, but the other day my boyfriend joked that he would not want a prenup…I bet you can guess you currently has more money. Yes, it’s me, and I’m a woman. This got me thinking: will I want a prenup if/when we get married? Turns out a lot of millennial couples are asking themselves the same questions and coming out in favor of signing prenups. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Millennials are marrying later, which means they have spent more years building up more assets, which you might not want to split with an ex, should it come to that.

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2. Millennials are marrying later, which also means they are more mature and maybe slightly less idealistic and romantic.

3. Women now often earn just as much or more than their male partners, so now it’s not just one person’s money needing protection, but both of their assets. The problem is now often tackled as an equal partnership and not just the man feeling resentment towards his soon-to-be and currently-poor wife.

4. Millennials have grown up really independent, and in an effort to maintain that independence they might decide to sign a prenup.


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5. Many of them grew up with divorced parents, so they now approach marriage with a much more cynical and practical outlook.

6. They often view marriage as a financial and legal business deal, which leads them to need and want a prenup.


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7. Millennials know that if you own property, a business, have children from a previous relationship, plan to take time off to raise children, hold significant debt, have a lot of money in retirement, will receive stock options during the marriage, then you should definitely consider signing a prenup.

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