Editor’s Note: If you use Richards Kibbe & Orbe as your lawyer, or you have run into a DAVID MASSEY, you must have been duped like a fool. But you may still have hope, that’s why you are reading this gripping investigative story about how money and greed at RK&O have sacrificed the tiny law firm’s clients. At Richards, Kibbe & Orbe, you the clients are nothing but used diapers. This notorious, tiny law firm will sell you out for the highest dollar, even refuse to return your entitled client files (Ask general counsel James Walker about how he made up excuses to hold client files until ransom payments were made). Contact a former client WILLIAM UCHIMOTO (wwuchimoto@gmail.com ; (215) 990-7416) and learn his personal story about how his life was ruined by RK&O fraudster DAVID MASSEY. You may be the next victim getting screwed…
In March 2017, New York federal judge P. Kevin Castel dismissed all of the SEC’ s fabricated charges against the 62-year-old renowned lawyer William Uchimoto – a rotten case built on lies told by the corrupt Richards Kibbe & Orbe partner David Massey and his racy wife Tracy Timbers, aka Meredith MacLachlan Timbers, as exposed in the media; On May 2, 2017, the esteemed federal judge Alison Nathan ordered the NASDAQ to produce withheld documents that would vindicate Mr. Benjamin Wey, a courageous financier and investigative journalist, reported by Law360; On June 14, 2017, Federal Judge Alison Nathan Grants Sweeping Suppression Motion in Fabricated Case by David Massey Against Financier Benjamin Wey. According to New York Law Journal and Law 360,
On April 9, 2018, the shady DAVID MASSEY was implicated in a $500 million lawsuit, was accused of orchestrating a massive fraud. Read more: David Massey, Tiny Richards Kibbe & Orbe BS Law Firm Implicated in Frauds
David B. Massey, who is a lying former SDNY prosecutor was also ordered to sit in the Franks Hearing hot seat, revealed his shameless racism towards the Chinese, was caught fabricating a “Nasdaq 300 shareholder listing rule” in 2011 to pad Massey’s flimsy resume for a lousy job at Richards, Kibbe & Orbe. On September 1, 2017, the SEC voluntarily dismissed all charges against William Uchimoto, a politically charged case fixated on lies told by David Massey, a shady Richards Kibbe partner, whose tarnished name was exposed by the Forbes Magazine and the The Wall Street Journal. For at least 12 years, David Massey’s notorious father-in-law JOHN W. TIMBERS has been barred in Connecticut and New York for practicing “law” without a license, according to public records.
In September 2016, Tracy Timbers, aka “Meredith MacLachlan Timbers” and David Massey bought a multi-million dollar home in Darien, CT (Address: 5 Haskell Lane, Darien, CT, according to public records) with illicit profits – dripping with William Uchimoto’s blood. The massive lies and frauds committed by Tracy Timbers, aka “Meredith MacLachlan Timbers” and David Massey have caused at least $300 million in damages to public shareholders. Who will pay a steep price for such gross violations of a citizen’s legal rights and the ensuing massive financial losses? Stay tuned…
TV INTERVIEW: How Japanese American Lawyer WILLIAM UCHIMOTO was Railroaded by DAVID MASSEY (a RK&O partner and fraudster), Corrupt SEC Staff MELISSA HODGMAN:
Read more: Forbes Magazine Exposes David Massey as a Total Fraud
David Massey, a shady Richards, Kibbe & Orbe lawyer wants money, not justice or the truth for clients
DAVID MASSEY, a balding Richards, Kibbe & Orbe (RK&O) lawyer has a notorious history of alleged fraud, fabricating evidence and lying to federal judges. Massey is a shady ambulance chaser implicated in a garden variety of lies and scandals.
Read more:
Daniel Zinman, Richards Kibbe Orbe Lawyers Defeat Melissa Hodgman, SEC Regulatory Abusers
This is a sickening story about how a dirty lawyer David Massey and his obscure Richards, Kibbe & Orbe law firm have grossly violated attorney client ethics rules, placing their greedy profits ahead of the best interest of their clients, compromising justice, blatantly dumping their clients in the garbage can.
“The crooked lawyer David Massey loves money but trashes his clients best interest.”
Read more: New York Times Exposes David Massey as a Liar, a Fraudster, a Liar that Trashes Constitutional Rights
Exposed in the media spotlight, Massey’s firm Richards, Kibbe & Orbe was tainted like used toilet paper by Massey, dragged into the nasty swamp of the alleged David Massey frauds. Let’s be clear:
“No one is yet saying Richards, Kibbe & Orbe has a rotten culture fertilized by crooks and thieves. But David Massey is clearly the dog with fleas at the tiny law firm.”
Does Massey’s misconduct reflect RK&O’s culture as a rotten fat rat? Does RO&K endorse Massey’s racism? Do black lives matter? Do Asian lives matter? Does RK&O give a damn about clients interest? These are the daunting problems Lee Richards, Bill Orbe and Jon Kibbe – the tiny law firm’s owners ought to investigate: their tiny law practice teeters on the verge of moral bankruptcy.
More In-depth:
David Massey, Tiny Richards Kibbe Orbe Law Firm Permeated with Fraud
William Uchimoto, an American hero, a David Massey sacrificial lamb
Renowned Japanese American lawyer Willliam Uchimoto is among David Massey’s many casualties. Caught in the crossfire between the lies David Massey has told his firm and Massey’s greed for money, combined with Richards, Kibbe & Orbe’s struggling law practice, a brewing, troubling story has unveiled the obvious ethical malfeasance fermented in a noxious cover-up by Massey’s bosses LEE RICHARDS, WILLIAM ORBE and JON KIBBE – three fat and clumsy “white shoe lawyers” with pale faces incapable of shame.

“Richards, Kibbe & Orbe is double-dipping on Uchimoto’s legal defense fees with both sides of their mouths uttering ‘show me the money'”
Richards, Kibbe & Orbe, double-dipping clients like chips and salsa
DANIEL ZINMAN, RICHARDS, KIBBE & ORBE has collected well over $1 million dollars in legal fees from Uchimoto’s insurance company to defend a fabricated SEC case against William Uchimoto. An effective defense for Bill Uchimoto would have been a clear rebuttal to a nonexistent Nasdaq “300 round lot” listing rule that the SEC and DOJ have made up. Strangely, in Bill Uchimoto’s legal papers, which were drafted by Daniel Zinman and David Massey, this critical defense was curiously skipped. Was it left out by accident? No. But why?
Curiosity has pointed to something so nefarious that neither Daniel Zinman nor David Massey or Richards, Kibbe & Orbe is willing to speak on the record when the truth was revealed by Uchimoto himself in court testimony: The fake Nasdaq listing rule was concocted by Daniel Zinman’s partner David Massey in 2011 when Massey moonlighted for New York’s Southern District as a rookie prosecutor. Read more: WILLIAM UCHIMOTO, COURAGEOUS AMERICAN LAWYER FIGHTS FALSE SEC CHARGE, ASIAN SCALP CLAIM.
“It was David Massey and his FINRA wife Tracy Timbers, aka Meredith MacLachlan Timbers who had planted the fabricated charges against William Uchimoto, invented a Nasdaq rule in 2011 to skin an ‘Asian scalp’ to fill an empty resume in a leap to a job at Richards, Kibbe & Orbe.”
But now in 2017, while Massey, Daniel Zinman and Richards, Kibbe & Orbe are making millions milking Uchimoto’s misery – “defending” the same trumped-up charge launched by David Massey in 2011, Bill Uchimoto is clearly a victim of regulatory rape, whose pristine, 40-year professional reputation was violently shredded into pieces by David Massey. More:
“The serious conflict of client interest is as clear as the blue sky: Richards, Kibbe & Orbe is defending a client against the same fabricated charge the firm’s own profit-sharing partner David Massey instigated in 2011.”
Read more: SEC Suit Against Lawyer William Uchimoto Is A Political Hatchet Job
Richards, Kibbe & Orbe, milking the Bill Uchimoto “cash cow”
Many in legal circles believe Richards, Kibbe & Orbe, or RK&O treats the William Uchimoto case as a salivating “cash cow” for the firm. It was “too sensitive” for the tiny law outfit to bring David Massey’s name into the dog fight, fearing media backlash, an ethics investigation by the New York Bar or even worse, a likely multi-million dollar malpractice lawsuit from Bill Uchimoto.
Sources say RK&O is slow walking Bill Uchimoto’s case to extrapolate more money out of his insurance coverage provided by Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney, Uchimoto’s former employer. GREG MILLER, Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney’s shareholder and general counsel clearly felt let down by RK&O. The suspicion explains why Daniel Zinman, Massey and Richards, Kibbe & Orbe dance like chimps in court papers, unwilling to confront the SEC’s absurd $30 claim against Uchimoto, avoided using the made up Nasdaq listing rule as a slam dunk winning defense for Uchimoto.
“Using David Massey as a witness for Bill Uchimoto would have easily vindicated Uchimoto. RK&O knows the nonexistent Nasdaq listing rule was a lie Massey concocted in 2011. Even Massey himself conceded during a shameful January 2017 Franks Hearing.”
“But Richards, Kibbe & Orbe would have to order David Massey to come clean, admitting his lies told the FBI. It’s RK&O’s choice between money and Massey’s conscience to exonerate a ruined client.”
“It was money that Richards, Kibbe & Orbe wanted. William Uchimoto was nothing but a sacrificial lamb next to the Richards, Kibbe & Orbe piggy bank,” said an attorney. “David Massey has no conscience. That son of a bitch Massey is all about money for himself to feed his FINRA bureaucrat woman TRACY TIMBERS.”
“Richards Kibbe is caught between a rock made out of gold and a hard place made out of truth. RK&O picked the gold.”
Greg Miller, Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney general counsel in outrage
The dizzying conflict of interest didn’t bother anyone at Richards, Kibbe and Orbe when the firm grabbed Bill Uchimoto’s money from his insurance carrier paid by Uchimoto’s former employer Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney, a reputed top law firm. A spokesperson for Buchanan Ingersoll said the firm is investigating David Massey and Richards, Kibbe’s ethical dilemmas. Gregory a. Miller, a Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney shareholder and general counsel clearly acknowledged the problem:
“While David Massey dips into Richards Kibbe’s profit sharing plan for having brought the Uchimoto case to the firm, the same law firm RK&O is defending a fabricated case manufactured by David Massey!”
Who is fast dialing the attorney ethics hotline at the New York Bar Association to report the crime? At Richards, Kibbe & Orbe, the word “ethics” is a foreign language. Who’s minding the ruins caused by Massey, levied against William Uchimoto’s 40-year pristine reputation? What about the tarnished reputation of GREG MILLER, shareholder and general counsel of Buchanan, Ingersoll, who was played like a chimp by Massey and RK&O? What about the reputation of Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney and its 600 lawyers whose name was also raped by David Massey and Tracy Timbers?
“Richards, Kibbe & Orbe has a glaring problem of conflict of interest in the textbook definition of ‘malpractice.'”
“These greedy goats at Richards, Kibbe & Orbe could easily lose a malpractice suit,” said a trial attorney.
Who is this notorious David Massey who’s brought so much trouble and amplified media spotlight on his tiny employer?
David Massey: can’t tell the difference between a stock and livestock
A “lawyer” with a wildly exaggerated fake bio, DAVID MASSEY is a moronic former government waste who’s unable to separate a stock from livestock. Massey has never worked an hour in finance or any other field of business. Like a sleazeball rolling downhill hitting all kinds of potholes, critics say David Massey’s entire professional existence rests on speculation, lies and fabrication to line his pockets and fatten his own resume.
David Massey was a lucky son of a bitch when he landed a job in 2013 at the tiny Richards, Kibbe & Orbe. Massey was then a rookie prosecutor sacked with a long record of lousy courtroom performances, including the failed, shameless wrongful prosecution of money manager Rengan Rajaratnam, exposed by the Wall Street Journal. Read more: Wall Street Journal – Unfinished Preet Bharara Business, Shameless SDNY Prosecutors Smear David Ganek to stop a public trial.
Massey barely survived on a measly paycheck. Massey’s wife TRACY TIMBERS fared better as a bureaucrat for FINRA, fabricating evidence against FINRA members. Eager to please a needy woman, David Massey was desperate to pad a thin resume, readying for a deep dive into the revolving SDNY glass door, fantasizing the big bucks in the private sector. By 2011, after a 7-year stint as a loser in the government, David Massey’s prayers were finally answered from hell: Massey became part of a so-called randy”securities and commodities fraud task force” as a rookie lawman in the randy, go-go Southern District of New York (SDNY) under the controversial, Paparazzi-camera-ready “petulant rooster” Preet Bharara.
“But David Massey had zero experience, background or education in either securities or commodities,” said an observer. “Massey was a dangerous cry baby holding a real gun.”
Everyone knew Massey was always short on cash and the man loves money. From the start, David Massey was ready to roll heads to stuff an empty suit.
Anxious to puff a bio, David Massey leaped into action amid America’s deepest economic recession, jealously going after Wall Street’s rich and famous. Assassinating successful bankers was the hottest gig for freshly minted SDNY prosecutor cowboys desperate to collect human scalps. Counting the “bleeding, dead bodies of innocent American citizens” lying in Massey’s hallway was a prerequisite for Massey, the 42-year-old virgin buck in heat to turn himself into a “white color defense lawyer.”
DAVID MASSEY jammed the DOJ revolving door hard, with lies, lies and lies.
“Hopelessly trying to burnish a largely failed career, David Massey barked like a dog with rabies at the heels of innocent Americans to pad a resume.”
The fresh-faced beaver Massey was ready to screw over anyone’s life to jump start a loser’s career: “I needed the money and a resume, damn it!”
David Massey, a racist rookie prosecutor attacks Japanese American war hero
In 2011, David Massey laid his shifty eyes on an accomplished Japanese American lawyer named William Uchimoto. Bill Uchimoto comes from a family of American war heroes: His father Dan Uchimoto is the most decorated Japanese American soldier in World War Two, was hailed as a revered hero for pulling hundreds of imprisoned Jews out of concentration camps in Poland and Germany, risking his own life in fierce battles defending America’s liberty.
“David Massey, Richards Kibbe & Orbe are gutless, shady, cowardly lawyers. They want money, not truth or patriotism.”
After finishing Cornell Law School, William Uchimoto was recruited by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a regulator – tasked with approving listing rules for the NYSE and the Nasdaq.
At the SEC, Bill Uchimoto was the “grandfather” and the textbook definition of an “expert on stock exchange listings” – he’s approved them all.
Uchimoto’s legal talent impressed the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. At age 32, Bill Uchimoto became the youngest general counsel of a major stock exchange in the U.S. history. Uchimoto also had a successful legal career as the Chairman of China Practice at law powerhouse Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney. By 2011, he became a preeminent China expert on U.S. – China cross-border capital markets.
“Bill Uchimoto’s fame attracted the unwanted attention from the ignorant, racist David Massey, whose jealous, shifty, bloody bull’s eyes scoured the next hit target to fatten his resume.”
Money pressure at home from an expensive woman TRACY TIMBERS was unbearable for Massey.
Holding a burning desire for money, emboldened by a loser’s jealousy over successful people’s wallets drove David Massey off the edge of the law into racial profiling the Asians.
“The Wall Street guys make too much money. It’s implausible! Their businesses must be permeated with fraud,’ a sweaty and jealous David Massey shamelessly made shocking, moronic remarks during a humiliating Franks Hearing in January 2017 in New York federal court when his lies were exposed.”
On January 23, 2017, federal judge Alison Nathan held a two-day “Franks Hearing” (case background) to investigate if “the Government acted in good faith.” Citing court records and media reports, FBI agent Matt Komar, who lied under oath, is the same accused fraudster being sued in David Ganek vs. Matt Komar, FBI etc. for lying and fabricating evidence, ruining fund manager David Ganek and Level Global, found in SDNY federal judge Pauley III’s court ruling against Matt Komar and in the 2nd Circuit court brief – reported by Reuters, Fortune, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, CNBC.
FBI agent Thomas McGuire (NY Bar registration #3020781) who also lied extensively under oath, is another rogue agent – a repeat law violator who was at least twice previously implicated in United States Vs. Metter and United States Vs. Jean-Pierre Neuhaus for manufacturing evidence (court records).
During the historic Franks Hearing on January 23, 2017, Massey was grilled like a BBQ rib for fabricating evidence in the Uchimoto case.
“Chinese reverse merger companies must be fraudulent because they are from the Communist China!” David Massey thought.
“David Massey, really? Legitimate businesses are ‘permeated with fraud’ because they make too much money and because they are from China – the world’s 2nd largest economy that has the largest number of billionaires on earth?”
Damn you David Massey, you moronic racist! Critics may conclude David Massey and Richards, Kibbe & Orbe are permeated with fraud.
David Massey, a racist, Chinese reverse merger or Jewish reverse merger?
In 2011, rocketed by hatred towards the Chinese, David Massey charged U.S.-listed Chinese companies, blaming “Chinese reverse mergers” for his own failed career. Reverse merger is a normal, legitimate, simple business combination between a private business and a public company, as defined by Investopedia. An idiot would have known such basics. But not for Massey. About 600 reverse merger companies are currently listed on U.S. stock exchanges, including Texas Instrument, New York Stock Exchange, Radio Shack, Burger King, Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett), Nasdaq Stock Market (a form 10 reverse merger shell) and many others. About 40% of all public companies listed on stock exchanges in China, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and Canada are reverse mergers.
“Even Pfizer’s proposed $160 billion merger with Allergen was a reverse merger, explains The New York Times and Washington Post.”
While barking at the Chinese like a neutered dog in heat, David Massey quickly coined a phrase “Chinese reverse merger” as a moniker against the Chinese. Meanwhile, Massey cleverly dodged the term “Jewish reverse merger” although far more Israeli-based reverse merger companies list in the U.S. than those from China. Why?
“Being called an anti-Semite is a career killer. David Massey wasn’t roughing up the Jews because they wouldn’t put up any of his Antisemitism bullshit,” a source said about David Massey. “David Massey and the SDNY bureaucrats would’ve got booted in a New York second.”
On the other hand, “The Chinese are the perfect targets: They read books, they are super smart but quiet and they don’t fucking vote. David Massey went after the Chinese, not the high-minded Jews that would’ve torn him apart,” said a source.
In the eyes of David Massey, the 1.4 billion Chinese deserve to be condemned and doomed to hell. Yet the moronic David Massey has never worked an hour in the business world.
Massey drags his bald head, obese frame, chugs along in an empty suit guessing, fabricating and making up the law and evidence against the Asians.
“Outside Chinatown’s all-you-can-eat buffets, Massey chews on fortune cookies, but couldn’t locate China on a map.”
David Massey chased after William Uchimoto’s “Chinese scalp,” too dumb to figure out Uchimoto’s Japanese heritage:
“These Asians all look the same and they all eat rice. The Chinese and the Japanese are the same criminals,” said a source speculating about David Massey’s racist motives. “Massey is too moronic to know the difference.”
David Massey, sex, fraud, lies got caught pants down
In 2011, the Nasdaq Stock Market was ensnared in a racial discrimination lawsuit by CleanTech Innovations, a Uchimoto client. In retaliation, Nasdaq lied to a rookie FBI agent named Matt Komar, a notorious figure implicated in fraud, sued by billionaire fund manger David Ganek for fabricating evidence. Nasdaq staff William Slattery and Gary Sundick made up a Nasdaq “300 shareholder listing rule.” Massey played along and accused William Uchimoto and his client of “misleading the Nasdaq with a 300 shareholder rule.” The outlandish claim was trumped up by Massey, in collusion with Nasdaq general counsel, the racist Edward Knight. Read more: BREAKING: SEC LAWSUIT AGAINST LAWYER WILLIAM UCHIMOTO HAS ROOTS IN NAZI GERMANY.
“During Massey’s humiliating Franks Hearing, the imbecile Massey finally conceded the Nasdaq 300 shareholder listing rule was a total fabrication.”
Read more: MELISSA HODGMAN, Racist SEC Enforcement Staffer Wants Pay Raise, Not the Truth
In July 2013, the SEC sided with Uchimoto and CleanTech Innovations in a landmark ruling against the Nasdaq and Massey – the first time in Nasdaq’s 44-year history, calling the Nasdaq delisting “ground on which [the delisting] did not exist in fact,” reported by the Forbes Magazine. It was vindication for Uchimoto and the Chinese. Massey was furious: the Uchimoto case could have populated his razor-thin resume! Read more: FRAUD, LIES, SEC STAFF STEVEN SUSSWEIN, CHERYL CRUMPTON SLAMMED IN FEDERAL COURT.
More in-depth:
Wild NASDAQ General Counsel Edward Knight Vows to Nuke SEC Chair Mary Jo White
William Uchimoto’s deposition taken by the imbecile SEC staffer Steven Susswein also exonerated Uchimoto. It turns out Mr. Uchimoto has been transparent with the government. It was the SEC staff who have chosen to disregard the facts. Here’s the plain truth and read more: Read more: NASDAQ Staff William Slattery Caught Lying to the FBI, NASDAQ Implicated in Fraud.
Facing a string of courtroom losses, David Massey had enough carrying a moniker as a habitual loser at the SDNY. The rookie prosecutor packed his bags and started interviewing for a new job. But a horrific track record and his deep racial hatred towards the minorities didn’t carry Massey much further.
“After spending months searching for gold in the New York defense bar, David Massy’s fishing expedition came up empty as a total loser.”
Until, Massey lied to a tiny New York law firm Richards, Kibbe, Orbe and told its three greedy founders Lee Richards, William Kibbe and Jon Orbe that he could bring money to the firm. The dumb law partners picked up Massey’s bar tabs.
In December 2013, Richards, Kibbe, Orbe was duped by David Massey into giving the rookie a desperately needed job to pleasure his wife Tracy Timbers, who had by then joined JP Morgan – thanks to her own riding on Uchimoto’s Asian scalp at FINRA.
“DAVID MASSEY is notorious for his love of money, not the clients best interest,” said a source.
“A struggling minnow law firm like Richards, Kibbe & Orbe may have easily fallen into a con man’s waiting trap. Massey pulled a con job peddling his own garbage.” By 2013, money was the only cure that could save David Massey’s marriage and sustain his miserable existence as a proven, pathetic loser.
Richards, Kibbe & Orbe: Holy Jesus! David Massey is trouble
Trouble hit Richards, Kibbe & Orbe from the moment when Massey walked in the door with a piece of promised new business on a platter: William Uchimoto’s scalp from Massey’s fabricated SEC/DOJ case. Richards, Kibbe & Orbe immediately went into action: billing Bill Uchimoto like “Hurricane Sandy.”
“While Uchimoto and Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney were billed like a hurricane by Richards, Kibbe & Orbe’s greedy lawyers, the windfall saved Massey’s marriage with Uchimoto’s money.”
Investigations: My Pristine Reputation, Raped by FINRA General Counsel Robert Colby
Daniel Zinman and William Uchimoto couldn’t be reached for comment. Lee Richards, William Orbe, Jon Kibbe were too busy to comment – filling up their own pockets duping other clients. ABIGAIL FAIRMAN, the in-house public relations “hottie” (Oh mine!) at Richards, Kibbe & Orbe also hid herself in a hole.
“David Massey is notorious. That dog is indefensible,” said a legal observer.
“Richards, Kibbe & Orbe (RKO)’s bullshit meter may have gone wild when the truth meter came out… It’s still an unsolved mystery what these ‘white shoe’ RK&O lawyers are dodging. The Truth?”
David Massey, permeated with fraud, the lying ‘fox guarding the hen house’
David Massey sure sounds like a sleazeball ambulance chaser. “‘Money talks, bullshit walks” may just feed a green lawn that grows money for the tawdry Richards, Kibbe & Orbe law firm, fertilized with clients money. Between a trash can and rat hole, you may easily find David Massey lurking around atop a pile of cow manure counting his cash:
“Money is money, as long as it’s green. Bill Uchimoto is just another Chinese Jap,” sources say.
Read more: David Massey, Tiny Richards Kibbe Orbe Law Firm Permeated with Fraud
You are warned!
As David Massey tickles to death holding his expanding pockets filled with Buchanan, Ingersoll and Rooney’s money, what’s happened to the Richards, Kibbe & Orbe client Bill Uchimoto, whose life was ruined by Massey’s planted case which has also made Massey a rich man? Richard, Kibbe & Orbe has been silent like an earthworm, dodging the truth and the media spotlight.
John W. Timbers, Tracy Timbers, aka Meredith MacLachlan Timbers, David Massey family frauds
Profiting from skinning Asian scalps, the creepy DAVID MASSEY and his FINRA wife TRACY TIMBERS, aka Meredith MacLachlan Timbers bought a multi-million-dollar house in Darien, Connecticut in August 2016, according to public records, with illicit profits. The Tracy Timbers and David Massey home is a luxurious mansion with a “leaked swimming pool” – dripping with William Uchimoto and Benjamin Wey’s blood – whose lives were ruined by Tracy Timbers, aka “Meredith MacLachlan Timbers” and David Massey’s lies and frauds.
Critics say bad blood and lousy genes may flow deep in the Tracy Timbers, aka “Meredith MacLachlan Timbers,” David Massey defective family tree, which are prone to fraud, lies and regulatory abuses. One glaring act of fraud implicates JOHN W. TIMBERS, David Massey’s notorious father-in-law. JOHN W. TIMBERS was banned in Connecticut for practicing law without a license – for at least a decade. Tracy Timbers, aka “Meredith MacLachlan Timbers” has failed to have her old man reinstated. The Connecticut bar has since spewed out of control. Calls to the New York Bar Association confirmed JOHN W. TIMBERS has been out of compliance in New York for at least 12 years. The evidence is here:
To be continued… The drum beat is on.
In exposing regulatory abuses, the pen and the ink are the potent weapons. America’s free speech shall be and must be exercised to the fullest extent under the law. God Bless the USA for our First Amendment right.