Lots of guys think they can only live large and enjoy the best of the world by spending a lot of dough, but that just isn’t so. Steak dinners, expensive cigars and fine wine are great, however, living well and enjoying yourself doesn’t have dent your wallet.
There are lots of really cool, fun and exciting ways to get a thrill, and the best ones don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. So before the summer is over, guys, grab life by the horns and enjoy the best on a budget.
Pretend it’s a bygone era when everyone traveled by train. Even don a fedora, panama hat or other gentlemanly attire and hop aboard. But make sure the route goes through a beautiful part of the country; the New York City to Philadelphia or Washington, D.C. Amtrak route is too busy, not scenic and too hectic to be relaxing.
Go to a fine barber with cool, old-school metal chairs and get a straight-razor shave. And the place gets bonus points if it has old, dark-wood features, black-and-white photos on the walls or plays Frank Sinatra and classic jazz. Lying back in the chair, you will feel immediately relaxed, and the sensation of warm foam on your face is amazing. Then, when the expert barber begins to do his thing and makes your face feel smoother than it has since puberty began (you know, when hairs started sprouting from your chin like a Chia Pet), you’ve won, my friend.
For baseball fans — or any red-blooded American guy — a day at the ballpark just can’t be beat. But to make it more of an adventure, pick a nearby city or town and get to a stadium you haven’t been to before — minors or the big leagues — it doesn’t matter. Baseball, a hot dog and a beer will make any guy feel a bit manlier.
Sure, not many of us modern, civilized men — or maybe I am only speaking for myself — are great campers. But the act alone of going out into the wilderness and putting up a tent, setting a campsite and cooking over an open fire could be just the kick of testosterone you need. And being such a do-it-yourself manly man may help when going back to work and getting into the boardroom to absolutely kill it.
No, it’s not an insult. Seriously, walking in nature, dipping your face in a stream or waterfall and taking in a beautiful natural vista is one of the best cheap ways to spend a day. Most cities are close to state or national parks and not many things can help reenergize the batteries like going back to nature.
Noah Zuss is a reporter for TheBlot Magazine.