I live in New York City, and that means most of the people I know or see are actors. From afar it can seem rather glamourous sometimes, the life of an actor, but up close it’s kind of a nightmare. I grew up around actors and now I live amongst them, and LET ME TELL YOU I am so happy to not be one of them myself. Here are some of the MANY reasons I am glad I am not an actor.
- You have to audition constantly.
- You have to go all over the city to be constantly auditioning.
- You have to constantly be judged just by the fact that you are constantly auditioning
- You have to always been thinking about how you look, or how you’re supposed to look.
- You have to think about what other people think of you all the time.
- You have to constantly get rejected.
- You have to do lots of bad shows and projects.
- It is really hard to get good shows and projects.
- You might never do a show that actually interests you
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- You are like everyone’s little dolls they can dress up and order around all the time.
- You feel like you’re not good enough all the time.
- You have to suck up to awful people.
- You have to suck up to good people.
- You have to constantly wonder if it’s you or if it’s
- You have no control over your career.
- Or at least you have very little control over your career.
- You have to pay A LOT of money for school and classes and then you might never get a paid gig EVER.
- There is a lot of waiting. Waiting to be called, waiting for the right project, waiting to be ready, etc.
- Shitty part-time/night-time jobs.
ICK. Seriously, I’m SO HAPPY I’m not an actor. And to all you actors out there: It’s going to be fine don’t worry about it stay optimistic because otherwise you’ll just be miserable all the time!!