Editor’s Note: The fraudulent Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation, SIRF is a shady front for illegal market manipulators centered around the notorious tabloid writer Roddy Boyd. This investigative article has received overwhelming support from readers all over the world. Readers are welcome to click on these links and verify the underlying facts. They are true and accurate. Roddy Boyd has NOT denied any of the underlying facts. Roddy Boyd is a total fraud and public interest concern finally getting exposed – TheBlot Magazine Editorial Board (Voice for the Voiceless, millions of readers a year)
SOUTHERN INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING FOUNDATION (SIRF), a total sham for stock criminal Roddy Boyd
Tabloid writer Roddy Boyd is “dancing” in the regulatory spotlight again. This time, Roddy Boyd got himself in the crossfire of the feds and FBI investigators.
Sources say U.S. prosecutors and FBI agents are circling a sham “non-profit” Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation (SIRF), as well as businesses and donors associated with the obscure outfit. Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation (SIRF) is a one-man shop owned and promoted by a notorious illegal stock short seller – tabloid writer Roddy Boyd.
Catching Stock Fraud Criminal JON CARNES, the Real-Life Wolf of Wall Street
Sitting in a crappy home located at 508 John S. Mosby Drive in Wilmington, North Carolina, Roderick Stewart Boyd, aka Roddy Boyd is a balding 48 year old male (DOB: 04/18/1968, Bronxville, NY) with a beer-soaked heavy belly. Thousands of miles away on Wall Street in New York City, many are aware of Roddy Boyd’s notoriety.
In fact, Roddy Boyd is quite a notorious homebody. First obtained a passport on February 23, 2011, Roddy Boyd got to know the world by chewing on oily popcorn while gluing himself to a 14-inch television.
For several years, FBI agents in New York monitored Roddy Boyd, watched the close ties between Roddy Boyd’s negative stories published on public companies and the millions of dollars reaped by stock short sellers who had sold shares short ahead of Roddy Boyd’s hit articles. Amid insider trading, broker bribery and outright stock fraud, Roddy Boyd has done them all. He was a busy man. Sometime in between, Roddy Boyd got married with a woman, got rich and finally produced a kid named Samantha Boyd – whose unfortunate low IQ had her barely graduate from Auburn University in deep south Alabama.
“FBI Agents have long suspected Roddy Boyd is the kingpin of a classic market manipulation scheme among illegal stock short sellers, a crime that the FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) calls ‘short and distort.'”
RODDY BOYD EXPOSED – Fraud ‘Journalist’ Trashes Companies, Bribed by Jon Carnes Crime Family
Investigators obtained trading records belonging to Roddy Boyd’s father Michael Boyd – a Connecticut stock short seller and other hedge funds associated with Herb Greenberg, another notorious “dump and pump” loudspeaker bribed by illegal short sellers.
Dan Ackerman, a former Supervisory Special Agent at the FBI led the investigations into Roddy Boyd and his activities. “There is a thick file on Roddy Boyd at the FBI,” said a former FBI agent who declined to comment further.
Read more:
FBI Special Agent Thomas McGuire didn’t mince words: “Roddy Boyd is dirty.”
The mysterious SIRF “Donors,” the short seller criminals
Built on a long and checkered history of stock frauds and market manipulation, Roddy Boyd actively solicits fake “donors” to make “charitable contributions” to his tiny Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation (SIRF), touted as a “non-profit.” The truth tells a different story:
“The curious Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation is in fact Roddy Boyd’s front for illegal stock short sellers. SIRF is nothing but pure profit.“

Roddy Boyd is the sole owner, sole employee, sole operator and the single expense item at his sham SIRF “non-profit.”
Whatever amount of money those mysterious “donors” give to Roddy Boyd, every penny ends up in Roddy Boyd’s pockets. Charity work? None. Payments to Roddy Boyd? Oh yeah!
The list of “generous” donors to SIRF are “who is who” in the world gallery of stock short sellers mingled with convicted criminals, among them:
Carson Block of Muddy Waters (a noted short seller with a tiny bit of money, whose stock picks are about 80% wrong); Jon Carnes of Vancouver (a convicted stock criminal from Georgia whose lieutenant Kun Huang spent two years in prison for stock fraud); Sam Antar (a convicted stock and accounting felon totally broke, still spaced out in his criminal “glory days” of the 1980s); John Bird (a Texas short seller growing up milking cows); Dune Lawrence (Roddy Boyd’s ex and a notorious, shady Bloomberg writer on Roddy Boyd’s payroll); David Rocker (Rocker Family Foundation, a short seller exposed by the award-winning DeepCapture magazine); Boyd Family Foundation (Roddy Boyd’s multi-million dollar trust account from his dying old man Michael Boyd, a notorious short seller hedge fund vulture in his 70s)… The facts are here and the list just goes on:

Evidence: The Wall Street Journal exposed criminal Jon Carnes’s bribery to Roddy Boyd, matching the same Jon Carnes of Vancouver as a sham SIRF “donor”:

The Curious SIRF donors, bribes, big paydays for Roddy Boyd
Donors to Roddy Boyd are not dumb folks who would just throw their money away. These are stock short sellers – slippery “sharks” preying on America’s economic demise. They sell stocks short, make money off the failure of America and the loss of American jobs. They demand sizable returns from the large sums of money they brown bag Roddy Boyd disguised as “charitable contributions.”
“Short sellers want a loud-mouthed skunk who can spit out nonsense to drive down share prices. Roddy Boyd is the perfect whore to hire – for the right price.”
Southern Investivative Reporting Foundation, a pay to play “non-profit” sham
Roddy Boyd is in “hot demand” from everyone. Living with his wife Laura Boyd isn’t an easy task. Constant pressure from a needy woman demanding expensive things in life, plus a loser daughter Samantha Boyd whose free-spending habits at a fourth-tier college – Auburn University in Alabama have pushed Roddy Boyd over the edge of the law. Fortunately, Roddy Boyd’s money contributors are quick to pick up the tabs to supplement the Boyd family income. There is a catch though, a big one: NO FREE LUNCH in the Roddy Boyd household.
Donors to Roddy Boyd’s SIRF expect a lot from Roddy in return. The short sellers have sold stocks short in the market. They are counting on Roddy Boyd’s “hit stories” to drive down share prices so the short seller contributors can pocket the price differences as profit – at the expense of public investors.
“For years, Roddy Boyd has supported a lifestyle getting bribery from illegal stock short sellers masked as fake ‘donors’ to his various sham ‘non-profit’ outfits – FBI investigations reveal.”
Fraud, Lies, Tabloid Writer Roddy Boyd, A Curious Fraudster for Stock Short Sellers
The Financial Investigator, Inc., a multi-million dollar loser, fraud
Roddy has had a few of these dark closets: The first one that came along was the now-defunct The Financial Investigator, Inc. (founded 05/31/2011 in North Carolina) – it had a lousy website. The venture was a total disaster. Roddy Boyd’s network of illegal short seller clients lost more than $140 million on Roddy’s horrific bet against Harbin Electric, a Nasdaq-listed reverse merger company whose Asian management acquired at $24 per share in cash, generating 1,200% investment returns for its investors.
TheStreet praised Harbin Electric as a Pioneer in an article titled Harbin Electric Going Private: Chinese LBO Pioneer.
On the opposite bet, Roddy Boyd sat on his toilet, holding some used bath tissue gasping for air: He had run out of tears. His hedge fund clients had just fired him and his wife Laura Boyd was going through a meltdown watching their millions in trust fund money going down the tubes. Roddy Boyd’s daughter Samantha Boyd was dumped by her Alabama boyfriend at Auburn University and nearly killed herself.
“At the buyout price of $24, short sellers got squeezed hard. The long term investors walked away north of $100 million in profits,” said Harbin management.”Well deserved!”
Financier and investigative journalist Benjamin Wey advised Harbin management with the successful $850 million transaction, reported by PR Newswire. At the time, it was the largest leveraged buyout (LBO) transaction in the U.S. market for a China-based company.
A $140 million loss, closed a shell outfit, opened another one called “SIRF”
Roddy Boyd is a persistent gambler. Armed with sensational and fraudulent stories fed by stock criminals of the Jon Carnes crime family, Roddy Boyd was the loudest rooster in the Harbin “morning calls.” Roddy got paid handsome bribes for his work: He wrote more than a dozen false stories on Harbin and actively touted Harbin as a “China fraud.” That was, until Roddy Boyd got his ass handed to him – hard, when Harbin management shelled out $850 million in cash to acquire the company. Roddy Boyd’s sham “donors” lost about $140 million.
“Roddy Boyd was a dumb ass. That SOB cost me some serious dough. That Roddy Boyd mofo refused to refund the money we had paid him,” a Roddy Boyd’s paying client complained to investigators.
In a 2011 interview with Reuters, Roddy Boyd admitted to market manipulation and said he was “wrong,” reported by Reuters in an article titled Reuters: Sparks still flying over Harbin Electric.
“And I am sticking to it, but boy oh boy I got proved wrong on Harbin Electric. I lost my ass…” Roddy Boyd said sadly to Reuters.
The huge blunter on shorting Harbin drove several paying hedge fund clients of Roddy Boyd out of business. Covering his dirty tracks like a skunk, Roddy Boyd quickly shut down his shell company Financial Investigator, Inc., according to records obtained from the North Carolina Secretary of State, burned the payment receipts given to market manipulators and went into hiding like a burglar. The financial loss at home almost cost Roddy Boyds’ marriage.
Roddy Boyd, captain of the Jon Carnes Crime Family
After the humiliating and fatal defeat in shorting Harbin Electric, Roddy Boyd vowed to “get his money back” and bark harder. Soon, he laid his eyes on SilverCorp, a New York Stock Exchange listed silver mining company based in China.
“‘It mus be a winner,’ said Roddy Boyd. ‘I am betting my house, my wife and my daughter Samantha Boyd on shorting this baby.'”
Tabloid Writer, Fraudster RODDY BOYD Implicated in Multiple Frauds
In 2012, Roddy Bobby received a $50,000 “charitable contribution” from the stock criminal Jon Carnes to gun up Sivercorp. The bet “misfired,” again. Roddy Boyd lost his house and his retirement savings. The horrific rendezvous nearly cost his life: In 2013, Roddy Boyd’s “donor” Jon Carnes, a notorious stock short criminal was indicted for securities fraud and made the front page of the Wall Street Journal for manipulating shares in SilverCorp.
The Wall Street Journal reported Canada Regulator Charges Silvercorp Short Seller Jon Carnes with Fraud – WSJ. Jon Carnes’s lieutenant Kun Huang was sent to two years in prison and Carnes himself was sued by the government for committing the same short seller “short and distort” stock fraud. Roddy Boyd lost it all. Read more: CATCHING STOCK FRAUD CRIMINAL JON CARNES, THE REAL-LIFE WOLF OF WALL STREET
The Jon Carnes indictment, Roddy Boyd short seller stock fraud from the government’s press release:
Roddy Boyd, a thief in hiding starts with closing down his “Twitter” Page
While Jon Carnes was under indictment, Roddy Boyd went into hiding: He burned receipts and even got rid of his @boydroddy twitter account to erase records. Roddy Boyd waited patiently for his next move – that was until Jon Carnes’ lieutenant Kun Huang came out of a two year prison sentence.
“Within days of Jon Carnes’s indictment in December 2013, Roddy Boyd ‘timely’ dissolved his Financial Investigators, Inc. on January 24, 2014.”
The Financial Investigator’s short-lived history before Roddy Boyd closed its doors to hide his criminal tracks – the official government record:
Sure enough, Roddy Boyd was back in business with a new shell: Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation, or SIRF.
“A new twitter account emerged for SIRF. Roddy Boyd continued with the same venture – taking bribes from short sellers in exchange for his hit articles on America’s public companies.”
Roddy Boyd, a notorious name, a rusty nail in a coffin
Everyone seems to know Roddy Boyd’s Southern Investigation Reporting Foundation is a sham outfit for illegal stock short sellers. Now the Feds are closing in on Roddy Boyd again. Government subpoenas sent to various people and entities associated with Roddy Boyd pointed to serious violations of federal laws, sources say.
“Associating with Roddy Boyd is like holding a target waiting to be shot, or it’s like someone holding a rusty nail to his own coffin.”
Both the criminal Jon Carnes and the disgraced tabloid writer Dune Lawrence paid a hefty price colluding with Roddy Boyd. Roddy Boyd’s hedge fund clients have fared even worse. Thanks to Roddy Boyd’s heavy touting of Harbin Electric as a short sell target, his client Tiger Management Asia lost more than $100 million alone, causing the fund to shut its doors when its fund managers were arrested by the FBI. Harbin cooperated with an FBI investigation into market manipulation of its stock which led the government to indict and convict a Tiger Management fund manager, a Roddy Boyd client. More from Reuters: Roddy Boyd Client, Tiger Club Manager pleads guilty in insider trading case.
“As the Feds scrutinize Roddy Boyd and his various shell companies, the list of his paying clients and their stock trades have surfaced.”
Before Roddy Boyd rushes into hibernation again, readers be warned: The shady Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation is just about to close its doors. Another sham, another front for stock criminals will soon collapse, again…
Pigs with red lipsticks: Fake SIRF board members
On the messy website of Roddy Boyd’s SOUTHERN INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING FOUNDATION, a few familiar names are listed as “Board members” for the sham SIRF. The curious SIRF “Board” has no charters, no corporate minutes, no committees, no operating guidelines, no governance standards and not even an address for the business. Are they real SIRF “board members” or red lipsticks for pigs?
William D. Cohan (Twitter: @WilliamCohan), a book author is listed as a Roddy Boyd “board member”; the controversial “woman” Bethany McLean (Twitter: @bethanymac12) is listed; Christopher Roush (Twitter: @talkingbiznews), a UNC professor is also on display as Roddy Boyd’s SIRF “board member.” It was all BS.
“When contacted, ALL of these SIRF ‘board members’ immediately DISAVOWED ANY AFFILIATIONS with Roddy Boyd or Boyd’s Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation.”
Professor Chris Roush’s response was quick and blunt: “I have never given Roddy Boyd permission to use my name as his board member or in any other capacity. I have never attended any of his ‘board meetings.’ I barely know the man.” Professor Roush is right: The Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation, SIRF board is a sham front for stock criminals.
“SIRF has NO corporate governance, NO corporate charters, NO ‘board” oversight, it’s all BS. It’s an open ticket for the Roddy Boyd fraud – bribed by illegal stock short seller criminals.”

Damaris Colhoun, a tabloid writer for the Columbia Journalism Review and a profit-sharing partner of Roddy Boyd has also declined to answer questions about her affairs with Roddy Boyd. The Roddy Boyd sage has just started. Game on!