Man Pops Zit, Gets Pizza Face Infection From Hell

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Man Pops Zit, Gets Pizza Face Infection From Hell


Sometimes, people make remarkably poor decisions.  Sometimes, hindsight makes this obvious.  But most of the time, stupid is obvious before, during and after.  Have you ever popped a zit?  Most people have popped their own zits.  Evidently, the medical recommendation to not pop your own zits is serious.  When popping your own zit goes wrong, it can go horribly wrong.  But one construction worker pops zit with a woodworking blade went beyond horribly wrong.  His zit became a face eating disaster, covered in a fungal infection. Seriously, who pops zits with a woodworking blade?


The Journal of Medicine presented a case of a 23-year-old construction worker who thought he had a zit on his face.  Most people can’t say they’ve never popped their own zit.  But most people can say they never used a woodworking blade to pop a zit.  There’s a good reason why.  It’s called a “disturbing” fungal infection, that’s why.  According to The Journal of Medicine, the man’s zit popping led to an infection described as a “large, heme-crusted, verrucous, erythematous plaque with a rolled, indurated border on the lower vermillion and cutaneous lips.”

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That means the construction worker’s infected face looked like a firm, crusted mass of warts.  There was also a lot of dried blood and pus.  Old farts like me think of the Horta from Star Trek. The man looked like something a movie maker wished they could think up to scare people.  But this man’s infection was real and it was really scary.  The nick and pop of the zit using a woodworking blade became a serious fungal infection of the skin.  The infection is known as primary cutaneous blastomycosis.  This fungal infection usually happens from contact with soil.  The woodworking blade was clearly the cause.


Notably, this infection is not common.  In fact, there are fewer than 50 other documented cases of this fungal infection ever.  Previous cases were “usually observed in laboratory or morgue workers.”  A few others were connected to “tree bark trauma” and “grain elevator door-related trauma.”  But be not afraid.  Most of the time the risk of popping a zit is scarring.  So, if you were thinking of scraping your zits off on the ground, don’t.  So, if you were thinking of popping your zits with a corpse’s hand, please don’t.

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