tony manson

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tony manson

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HEPA Filtration In Vacuum Cleaners: What Should I Know?

If you’re looking for a vacuum for people suffering from asthma or other allergic conditions, you must be familiar with the term “HEPA” filters. This buzzword has become a popular selling-point many manufacturers constantly boast about their products. So what is it? And how useful is it to protect us against harmful particles?

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  • Some Background

The idea behind HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filtration came into existence when the governments needed efficient gas masks for soldiers during the Second World War. Many came up with a simple method: inserting a piece of paper into a regular mask. This proved to be effective in capturing chemical smoke. The Manhattan Project also designed a type of mark that could prevent the spread of radioactive contaminants.

This kind of mask was commercialized in the post-war period, and it has become a generic term for highly efficient filters.

  • HEPA In Vacuum Cleaners

Household appliances have become one of the most common applications of HEPA filters. Many organizations have introduced standards for them, most of which require the filter to absorb more than 99.9% of particles equal to 0.3 μm or smaller.

If a filter meets those standards, it can capture most bacteria, mold spores, pet dander, moisture, dust, dirt, and pollen, which is usually from 0.2 to 2.0 μm, and some virus (from 0.20 to 0.3 μm), and even submicron liquid aerosol (from 0.20 to 0.5 μm). This is a great help for families with asthma or allergy sufferers, which is also a requirement best vacuum cleaners in the world try to meet.

Most standards also require HEPA filters to have a maximum resistance to airflow of 250 or 325 pascals at its nominal flow rate. This additional requirement is especially critical in the operation of a vacuum cleaner because when the suction power of the machine will drop significantly if the filter has a too strong resistance.

While generally HEPA filters don’t need to remove odors in the air, some vacuum manufacturers still provide this ability for their users, usually by activated carbon insert in the filtration system. If you are a pet owner and don’t want to deal with unpleasant smells your pets leave in the room, look for a machine with this capability.

However, you should keep in mind that the presence of a HEPA filter in a vacuum doesn’t mean a guarantee of clean air. Sometimes it’s just a marketing gimmick that the manufacturer puts on to lure more uninformed customers into buying their products. The overall efficiency of a filtration system also depends on many other factors, including other regular filters put before the HEPA filter in airflow.

Another important design you should be aware of in the Best Rated Vacuum Cleaner is a completely sealed filtration system. It makes sure no dirty air can pass around the filters and escape through seams or cracks in the machine. Some top vacuum cleaners have this design, but most don’t, and as a result, some harmful particles can go back into the air before getting filtered out.

  • Conclusion

HEPA filters are a great help if your family has any member with asthma or other allergic conditions. But no matter how good it is, a HEPA filter still needs work in combination with other components in order to provide the greatest filtration capability.

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Member since27/10/2022

Last online11:20 30/01/2024