A Guide to Finding Your Green Thumb

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A Guide to Finding Your Green Thumb


Have you always wanted that small herb garden on your terrace? Or that vegetable garden out back? So there’s no time like the present, let’s go find that green thumb.  I have killed just about every plant I have ever owned. I have killed mint, which everyone says is completely un-killable (they are wrong). And I have killed basil and oregano. I have killed flowers. But those die anyway. The only plant I have not killed is an orchid. And then I moved away and had to give it to my roommate. It’s time I stop killing plants. Let’s learn how to do this together.  Here’s a guide to make it easy.

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1. Take your time and prepare conscientiously. It’s important to research which plants are best for your space. Does your apartment get sunlight? Do you have pets? Do you travel a lot? These are all questions that influence which plants you should be attempting to nurture in your home.

2. Once you get some new plants, wait at least a month before repotting them. It’s important to let plants get acclimated to a space before repotting as the change of a pot can put undue stress on your plant.


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3. Choose the right soil for your plant. But once you are ready to repot, make sure you also have the right soil. Plants are not meant to live forever in the pots they come home in. They are meant to be repotted to they can grow to their appropriate size. So you might need well-draining soil, gravel, sand, peat moss, or regular indoor potting soil.

4. Do not overwater! But it’s easy to think that more water is best. But that’s not always true. Just like for the one orchid I never killed, sometimes you just need to water thoroughly once every two weeks to keep a plant happy.

5. Get plants that work with the light you have. But I can’t help but bring up my orchid again. She didn’t need much sunlight, which was perfect because that apartment didn’t get much. Other plants wilted immediately, on the other hand.

6. So try to recreate your plant’s natural habitat. Just like with pets’ diets, it’s important to try to replicate life out in nature as closely as possible. This is the best way to ensure a healthy  green plant!

So there you have it.  It’s not really that hard to have a green thumb.  Just a few things to learn, and remember to do right.  The plants themselves will eventually guide you!

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