Chris Brummer, Fraudulent Georgetown Law Center Bookworm, a Cravath Swaine Moore Law Firm Dropout

Cravath Swain Moore Rejects Chris Brummer Fraud

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Chris Brummer, the phony Georgetown Law professor known as Dr. Bratwurst indeed has a hidden dark closet filled with an exaggerate bio that stinks like used baby diapers, according to the latest revelations told in a New York courthouse. In recent New York State Court filings, Chris Brummer's notorious history as a fraudster came to light: The Georgetown law professor Chris Brummer has a fake bio. At best, Brummer told a "half-truth" story to get a job. The latest public records shine a spotlight on Brummer, revealing a troubled soul in Chris Brummer as well as the massive misrepresentations and outright lies told by Brummer to the public about his bloated work experience, his background as a "law firm partner" at a large law firm, and as an academic who was deeply entangled with the convicted criminal Michael Milken for more than six years as Milken's paid front man. The list just goes on and on. Chris Brummer, A mysterious fake degree earned from grilling Bratwurst Chris Brummer is a notorious bookworm with a ridiculous degree in "Germanic Studies" (even this bs degree is still unconfirmed) - singing German opera, grilling Bratwurst sausages during Oktoberfest, and dancing with bare-chested European women too drunk to grill. That's the public record revealed in the court filing. What's missing is any verification of when and where Brummer attended college to even earn this "Germanic Studies" degree. The court record provided by Brummer, in his own words were completely mute on this important discovery. It's still a mystery till this day that no one seems to have confirmed if Chris Brummer has ever earned an advanced degree from anywhere on earth. Readers are puzzled by the apparent lack of candor by an academic, whose type often could hard wait showing people their sheepskin. Brummer had none to show, which begs a common-sense question: Why is Chris Brummer hiding like a thief? Chris Brummer also endlessly brags about his bullshit self-appointed title as the "faculty director" of Georgetown Law School's "institute of International Economic Law." Truth revealed that so-called institute is in fact a one-man show set up by Brummer to entice uninformed donors to pony up for a bullshit in Chris Brummer also claims he was an "accomplished corporate lawyer at large global law firm Cravath, Swain and Moore." Well, that wasn't true. Brummer was fired from a job after a two year stint as an entry-level law clerk, far from an "accomplished lawyer" belied in his own bio. Chris Brummer, a "Cravath" lawyer is a 2 year law firm dropout Chris Brummer's puffy bio is like used "toilet paper" flourished with endless self-promotion, exaggeration and misleading accolades. Brummer calls himself a seasoned "Cravath, Swain & Moore" law partner with extensive experience in international law practices. Cravath is a globally renowned law firm. That reputation certainly wasn't even remotely connected with Brummer. In court filings according to his own sworn statement, Chris Brummer admitted under heavy scrutiny he had lied about his experience as a "Cravath lawyer." The facts came out that Brummer had only stayed for less than two years at Cravath and the rest is history: Brummer was fired by Cravath for incompetence - an uncommon ax handed down impotent law associates who simply couldn't up the real life challenge. What about his self-proclaimed a "seasoned Cravath lawyer?" Well, it was bullshit. The court record says he was there for two years at more: "You really can't be both a virgin and a loose you-know-what," said an unnamed source familiar with Brummer and his wife Rachel Loko, an SEC bureaucrat. "Chris Brummer was never a real lawyer. He was busy banging his student Rachel Loko whom Brummer had met in his classroom when Rachel was his student." Mad over the media exposure, Chris Brummer sued the media in New York State Court in 2015. Two years later, the frivolous case still got stuck in a Traverse Hearing, in a typical Chris Brummer style: Robert Colby's master at FINRA hired an unlicensed con man to serve legal papers in 2015, which were rendered invalid. Chris Brummer, A psycho who claims no harm Like a neutered dog contracted with rabies, Chris Brummer is mad, anxious to muzzle the press. After hiring and firing at least four lawyers paid with FINRA's dumb money, Chris Brummer landed on pile of manure in Ohio, a fake "internet defamation removal attorney," a pair of rookie gay lawyers DANIEL MORGENSTERN and Whiteney Gibson, both from an obscure Ohio law firm Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP. DANIEL MORGENSTERN and WHITNEY GIBSON have built their careers putting up fake ads all over the internet, calling themselves "internet defamation removal attorneys." The paid ads hit Chris Brummer just when the imbecile academic needed to help to kill press stories. After failed attempts to bribe the media, Daniel Morgenstern, Whitney Gibson milked FINRA out of at least $1 million in legal fees, mating with an alleged New York shemale lawyer named Nicole Gueron to launch media attacks. After a humiliating defeat, the fake lawyers retreated to Columbia in disgrace. The imbecile Ohio country lawyers Daniel Morgenstern, Whitney Gibson and Daren Garcial were quick to milk Brummer and FINRA NAC, telling Chris Brummer to claim serious "emotional damage" to the extent that media criticism has killed all of Chris Brummer's already meager brain cells left in an empty brain. Chris Brummer played along, pretending to be a complete psycho, walking around wilding chasing women, "killing" black men while working in a moonlighting job for FINRA NAC, until Brummer was caught pants down lying to the court. Brummer's lawyer Nicole Gueron may be a mudshark with some serious jungle fever, Chris Brummer appears to have never lost much of his manhood, according to Rachel Loko, Brummer's young wife. "Chris is fine in bed and he's doing his job," said Rachel Loko to an unnamed source in DC. "Chris Brummer is no psycho. He just wanted to tell the New York court that to get an edge on the media exposure. His loser Ohio lawyers told him that's how he would get paid.'

CHRIS BRUMMER, Georgetown Law Professor, a fraud

CHRIS BRUMMER, the phony Georgetown Law professor known as Dr. Bratwurst finally admitted in a New York Courtroom that he has a dark closet filled with a bloated bio that stinks like used baby diapers. The recent court filings illustrated Chris Brummer’s notorious history as a fraudster:

The Latest:

Horrifying Court Confession: Georgetown Law Chris Brummer Implicates FINRA Top Dogs Robert Colby, Richard Ketchum Lies To FBI

“Georgetown law professor Chris Brummer has a fake bio. The phony, nutty professor Chris Brummer has told ‘half-truth’ stories throughout his professional life.”

THE LATEST: Chris Brummer was sued in New York for committing $100 million fraud, exposed by the Forbes Magazine in an investigative story titled: Lawsuit Counter Claim: FINRA Actions Led To Fraud Accusations Against Non-Members.



The media spotlight is on Chris Brummer, a troubled soul disguised as a self-labeled “psycho” extortionist, whose gigantic misrepresentations and outright lies told by Brummer to the court about an exaggerated work experience have come to light. For example, Chris Brummer lied about his background as a “law firm partner” at law firm Cravath, Swain & Moore, when in fact he was a rookie apprentice, fired in less than two years.


Chris Brummer, Georgetown Law Dr. Bratwurst with Degree in Germanic Studies Touts Crypto Scam

More, Brummer hid an entangled relationship with the convicted criminal Michael Milken as Milken’s paid front man spanning almost a decade. The list of Brummer’s lies just goes on and on.


CHRIS BRUMMER, GEORGETOWN LAW PROFESSOR, Milken Institute fraud, Daniel Morgenstern, Daren Garcia, Whitney Gibson, Vorys, Nicole Gueron, David Massey, Tracy Timbers, Robert Colby, FINRA, Richards Kibbe Orbe

Chris Brummer, “Germanic Studies” degree from grilling Bratwurst

CHRIS BRUMMER is a notorious bookworm with a fake degree in “Germanic Studies” (even this bs degree is still unverifiable)  – singing German opera, grilling Bratwurst sausages during Oktoberfest, and dancing with naked European women too drunk to grill, revealed in several court filings. What’s missing from Brummer’s messy rendezvous with the law is any verification of when and where Brummer attended college to have even earned this “Germanic Studies” degree. The court records provided by Brummer, in his own words were completely mute on this important discovery.


Confessions of An Interracial Couple, Top 5 Reasons Relationships Never Last

It’s been a mystery for years and till this day that no one is able to confirm if Chris Brummer has ever earned a degree from anywhere on earth.

“Many are puzzled by the apparent lack of candor by a moronic academic, whose type often could hardly wait showing off their diplomas and sheepskins displayed high up on a wall.”

President Trump Dumps Georgetown Law Professor Chris Brummer CFTC Nomination, Fraud Cited

But Brummer had none to present, which leads to another common-sense question: Why is Chris Brummer walking around like a thief, hiding his background from the public? Was Brummer’s “work experience” completely made up?

More troubling is the fact that Chris Brummer endlessly touts a self-appointed title as the “faculty director” of Georgetown Law School’s “institute of International Economic Law.”

“Truth revealed Brummer’s so-called Institute of International Economic Law is a one-man show masquerading Brummer’s scheme to entice grandma donors to pony up for a trap that would pay Brummer’s yearend bonus.”


CHRIS BRUMMER, INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW, Thomas Curry, Comptroller of Currency, Geoergetown University, Whitney Gibson, Daniel Morgenstern, Vorys, Daren Garcia, Rachel Loko, Nicole Gueron fraud

Chris Brummer, a fake “Cravath” law partner, a fired rookie for poor performance

Trouble didn’t just stop at Brummer’s seemingly fabricated biography. Brummer also claims he was an “accomplished corporate lawyer at large global law firm Cravath, Swain and Moore.” Well, that wasn’t true. Inquires made to Cravath returned this fact:

“Brummer was fired from a job after a two year stint as an entry-level associate at Cravath, far from an ‘accomplished lawyer’ that belies his history.”

William Burke-White, Penn Law Professor, Perry World House, Chris Brummer, Georgetown Law, Institute of International Economic Law, Steven Barnes, Case in point,

What about Brummer’s fiction that he was a “Cravath, Swain & Moore” law partner with extensive experience in international law practices? That was fake news also. Indeed, Cravath is a globally renowned law firm. But that reputation wasn’t even remotely connected with Brummer.

“Chris Brummer’s puffed bio reads like used ‘toilet paper’ wrinkled with endless self-promotion, exaggeration and misleading accolades. It’s a modern-day fake news channel, bla, bla, bla…”

According to his own sworn statement revealed in court filings, Brummer admitted under heavy scrutiny he had lied about his background as a “Cravath law partner.” The legal industry publication Law 360 also cited Brummer’s lie, calling him the “Cravath law partner.”

DAREN GARCIA, VORYS, LAWYER, DANIEL MORGENSTERN, Chris Brummer, Georgetown Law Center, Nicole Gueron, Ashleigh Hunt, Aaron Crowell, Clarick Gueron Reisbaum, Rachel Loko, fraud

Sources at Cravath said Brummer’s “big law” experience was a magnified lie: Brummer was fired by Cravath for incompetence.


CHRIS BRUMMER, GEORGETOWN LAW, Cravath Swain Moore law associate, Rachel Loko Brummer, Whitney Gibson, Daniel Morgenstern, Daren Garcia, Vorys, Nicole Gueron, FINRA NAC, Robert Colby, Melissa Hodgman, SEC fraud

“You really can’t call yourself a virgin and an easy woman at the same time,” said an unnamed source familiar with Brummer and his wife Rachel Loko, his former student and an SEC bureaucrat.”

“Chris Brummer was never a real lawyer. He was busy banging his student Rachel Loko when Brummer couldn’t leave her alone in a classroom.”

Chris Brummer, a long road of Affirmative Action, sex in a classroom

Sources say Chris Brummer owes a debt of gratitude to Affirmative Action. Originally from Arkansas and grew up watching wild boars mating in the woods, Professor Chris Brummer could hardly hold back a womanizer’s glare at his female students.


Chris Brummer, the Curious Georgetown Law Professor Knows No Law

Chris Brummer’s shifty eyes landed on a pair of naked legs attached to a female student named RACHEL LOKO, who was taking his class. Brummer was aroused, his eye balls nearly popped out of socket – burning with desire to charge.

The notorious Georgetown Law School nutty professor Chris Brummer has a moronic degree in "Germanic Studies"

Rache Loko played along. Rachel Loko’s grades curiously jumped from a D student to straight A. The rumored story painted a sordid picture of a teacher-student sexual affair in a third floor Vanderbilt Law school classroom next to the women’s restroom.

“Chris Brummer’s only claim of fame, unquestionably accurate, was his riding on a former student RACHEL LOKO and getting the poor girl pregnant while she was taking his class.”

The rest was history: Rachel Loko’s religious mother, a Southern Baptist minister’s midwife talked Brummer’s uncle CHAUNCEY BRUMMER into holding Chris Brummer accountable for his “spermy” actions. The two had a shotgun wedding, according to several sources. Richel Loko became RACHEL LOKO BRUMMER.


Mad over the media exposure, Chris Brummer sued the press in New York State Court in 2015 – with FINRA’s money. Brummer had worked in a moonlighting job for two years at FINRA NAC, a quasi-government FINRA kangaroo court cleaning dirty laundry for FINRA general counsel Robert Colby. Two years later, the frivolous lawsuit is still stuck in a Traverse Hearing in a typical Brummer fashion – shrouded in mysterious fraud: Brummer’s master at FINRA, chief legal officer Robert Colby had hired an unlicensed con man to serve the frivolous legal papers in 2015, which were rendered invalid.


Meet Chris Brummer, Georgetown Law Center ‘Dr Bratwurst,’ Fake Expert Ruins Lives

Ohio country lawyers Whitney Gibson, his gay partners Daniel Morgenstern and Daren Garcia at a tiny outfit called Vorys Sater Semour and Pease LLP were paid by FINRA to muzzle free press, attempting to suppress the Chris Brummer fraud. After a miserable defeat, these impotent Ohio bs “Internet Defamation Removal Lawyers” subcontracted the shakedown to a New York shemale named Nicole Gueron, whose lousy legal papers were also thrown into the trash.

NICOLE GUERON, AARON CROWELL, ASHLEIGH, CLARICK GUERON REISBAUM, Chris Brummer, Rachel Loko, Mary Henkel, Daren Garcia, Vorys, Robert Colby, Jeffrey Bloom, FINRA


Chris Brummer, A self-imposed psycho who could prove no harm

Like a neutered dog contracted with rabies, Chris Brummer is mad as hell at media criticism. After hiring and firing at least four lawyers paid with FINRA’s dumb money, Chris Brummer landed on a pile of manure in Ohio: a BBQ badge holding a fake “internet defamation removal attorney” for sale sign held up by a few rookie gay lawyers DANIEL MORGENSTERN and WHITNEY GIBSON, DAREN GARCIA, whose country lawyer status could barely survive at an obscure Ohio outfit called Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP.

DANIEL MORGENSTERN and WHITNEY GIBSON built their careers putting up fake ads all over the internet, touting themselves as “internet defamation removal attorneys.” It was all bullshit.

The Daniel Morgenstern, Whitney Gibson, Daren Garcia fake ads put out Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP hit Chris Brummer’s desk in a junk mail just when the imbecile academic desperately needed help to kill press stories.

Chris Brummer, Cravath Swaine Moore law partner, Rachel Loko, Nicole Gueron, Georgetown, David Massey, Tracy Timbers, Richards Kibbe Orbe, Whitney Gibson, Daniel Morgenstern, Vorys, internet defamation

After several failed attempts to bribe the media, Daniel Morgenstern, Whitney Gibson, Daren Garcia milked FINRA out of at least $1 million in legal fees, mating with an alleged New York shemale lawyer named NICOLE GUERON to viciously bark at the media like pregnant bitches. After humiliating defeats, the fake lawyers retreated to Columbus in total shock.

“These Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP cowboys from Ohio must enjoy the media attention at Dr. Bratwurst and FINRA’s expenses.”

Despite the mounting losses, the misery in a fabricated lawsuit didn’t stop the imbecile Ohio country lawyers Daniel Morgenstern, Whitney Gibson and Daren Garcia from jacking up “legal fees” on Brummer and FINRA NAC. These Ohio farmers told Chris Brummer to claim serious “emotional damages” to his brain – to the extent that all of Chris Brummer’s already meager brain cells were burned by the stress. Read more: US SENATE SHOT DOWN GEORGETOWN PROFESSOR CHRIS BRUMMER CFTC NOMINATION

CHRIS BRUMMER, GEORGETOWN LAW, Daniel Morgenstern, Whitney Gibson, Vorys Sater Seymour and Pease, Nicole Gueron, Daren Garcia, Internet Defamation Removal Attorney, FINRA NAC

“Brummer played along, pretending to be a complete psycho and a moron, rummaging through the Georgetown campus wildly lifting women’s skirts.”

Under the influence, Brummer “lynched” black broker Talman Harris while filling up his own pockets with money from FINRA NAC, until Brummer was caught pants down harassing Talman Harris, lying to court when Talman Harris sued Brummer, FINRA for fraud.


Georgetown Law Chris Brummer Deceives Esteemed New York Justice Lucy Billings, False Sworn Affidavit Perjury, Brummer FINRA NAC lies to FBI Got Caught


Chris Brummer, fraud, love, sex

Since Brummer claimed insanity from emotional distress,  Brummer’s lawyer Nicole Gueron caught herself some serious jungle fever salivating over Brummer’s chocolate physique. Read more: NICOLE GUERON, NEW YORK LOSER LAWYER MUZZLES PRESS FREEDOM, SPONSORS RACISM.

With plenty of love and attention from Nicole Gueron, known as Brummer’s mudshark, Brummer quickly recovered.


Meet Chris Brummer, Georgetown Law Center ‘Dr Bratwurst,’ Fake Expert Ruins Lives

“I have never seen a psychiatrist, ” Brummer conceded in court filings. “My claim of emotional distress was a lie. I did what my Ohio lawyers and Nicole Gueron told me to say.”

NICOLE GUERON, CHRIS BRUMMER, FINRA NAC, AARON CROWELL, ASHLEIGH HUNT, Clarick Gueron Reisbaum, Daren Garcia, Daniel Morgenstern, Vorys, Robert Colby, Jeffrey Bloom, Myles Edwards, Lucinda McConathy, FINRA hearing


The good news is that Brummer appears to be in good spirit. Also it doesn’t appear Brummer has withered much with his manhood during the “distress period,” according to Rachel Loko, Brummer’s young wife and student who keeps Brummer’s pants tight to herself. But Rachel Loko Brummer wouldn’t put up any of that admiration from Nicole Gueron: “Leave my man alone, you damn bitch!”

“Chris is fine in bed and he’s doing his job with me,” said Rachel Loko to a source. “Chris Brummer is no psycho. He had to lie to the New York court to get an edge over the damn media exposure. His Ohio lawyers told him he could get paid $5 million duping the court as a psychopath. Chris needed that money badly.”


The United States Senate agreed. In 2016, the Senate firmly rejected Chris Brummer’s political fantasy as a CFTC commissioner nominee. According to media reports, Brummer’s lousy credit and fake bio were cited as the reasons for his new home in a trash can. Read more: SENATE REJECTS GEORGETOWN PROFESSOR CHRIS BRUMMER CFTC NOMINATION, DR. BRATWURST “BURNED” IN FRAUD.

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